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Coronavirus - COVID-19 situation / restriction period - Bonus on your next subscription

Wednesday, Apr 01, 2020, 17:00 - Friday, May 15, 2020, 20:59

Bonus on your next subscription.

We will consider free of charge the timeframe 15 March – 16 May.
Every day you paid for in this period it will be added on your next subscription.
All you have to do is to send us an email when you renew it.

How it works:

The period between 16 March to 16 May is free (2 months).

Example 1: You had a subscription ending on 27 March ( 27-16=11) , we will add 11 days to your next subscription.

Example 2: You have a longer subscription ending on 20 May. We will add 2 months on your existing subscription.

Example 3: You buy a new subscription ( X month subscription) on 3 April. You’ll have free premium user till 16 May + X months starting 17 May.

If you are in this situation and we somehow missed you to expand you subscription, just send us an email using contact page and we will fix it.

Thanks a lot!

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